Wednesday, June 5, 2019

You !

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Aum .

What defines you?
What roots you?
What guides you?

While I was watching a TV series one of the days, my attention stumbled upon the above three lines delivered by the protagonist. Food for my overthinking brain! It made me ask myself these questions and seek answers. If you are on a journey where you keep looking within and analyse your thoughts and actions, then these are valuable questions. Some of us may have concrete and certain answers. If that’s you, it indicates you are to an extent aware of who you are and what you need out of this life. You may not be living your life in full accordance with your answers or may even be dancing to the tune of circumstances, struggling to come into alignment with yourself. Even then, the awareness of who you are and what you want brings you a step closer to your truth. A step closer to loving yourself !
Now, the rest of us may have answers that are cluttered, clouded by confusion, blurred by uncertainty and that my love, really totally is okay ! Keep working on it. Take time out to ask yourself these questions and as you practice this everyday, you move closer to clarity. This clarity is your purpose, your alignment and your truth. It may ask you to forget who they taught you to be and that’s exactly where you begin your journey towards yourself.  And interestingly, the answers will vary as our perspectives shift. So keep upgrading yourself accordingly.  It doesn’t mean we are unstable, it just means our outlook on life is changing and we are seeing situations and incidents from a different angle, not the one we have been conditioned to view from.  We can break generations of conditioning by focusing on our answers in deep moments of silence and contemplation so that we do not pass on the irresponsible thought patterns to the next generation we raise.  

It is one of the most cliched advices that, always do whatever it takes to make you happy. But believe me, if there is anything that can rescue you when life hits you hard and you are reeling under the heaviness of it all, it is this one activity that you have been doing to keep you happy, that can keep you from falling deep into the hole. You may not be able to dedicate all your 24 hours to nourishing your soul but even if its just an hour, do it, do it religiously and commit to yourself in the most loving way. It is only when we find our happiness can we emanate that to the world and people around.

Now, if I am to elaborate the above three questions a little more;
What defines you are those things that make you lose yourself in it completely. Those that bring out the best of you, when you are in your element and you project just exactly that to the world around! It could be music, cooking, speaking, meeting friends for meaningful conversations, reading, playing an instrument, painting, just about anything that invokes the feeling of ‘Yes! This is so me’! This kind of identifying does not happen overnight, we need to try different things, take the risky path , push through the thick translucent air to finally see the bright light and feel it seep inside you.

What roots you is what keeps you grounded in this illusionary world.  The maya around is such that we can all get carried away easily. Its no one’s fault, that’s how we humans are when we are on earth, we are veiled by layers and layers of maya. How we take off these layers one by one is our journey. We all need that something that will keep us grounded, close to reality, connected to the earth which is what we are! Find out what it is that helps you face your amazing achievements with maturity keeping your feet firm on the ground.  The Calm in your Euphoria !

What guides you is whatever you turn to for answers. It could just be a breathing or a non breathing belief or even better, your higher self. There can be nothing more rewarding that being able to tap into your higher self for answers.  But what we need to also understand is that to be able to hear the answers coming from this source that you are depending on, we have to listen and to listen we need to practice silence ! And it is in silence that we get in touch with ourselves and open up to higher energies. Higher energy need not always be a non physical form, it can even be a person vibrating at a higher frequency whom we know can guide us and keep us aligned to our truth. Reduce the noise in our head space, focus on our breath and listen with patience, guidance is sure to follow .

Yes, all of these may sound like one big tiring crazy exercise but if you really want to be aware of who you are before wanting to know how the rest of the world functions, we may very well go through a this path of self exploration. This is just a very small part of embarking on this path.  Never stop attending to yourself. Never forget yourself for anyone or anything in the world. You need as much if not more love as you give to the world around you. Patience is Key! Stay disciplined on the path of self love.  And my love, you are allowed to slip off, fall down, bruise yourself, cry out loud , stay in bed and stay away from people if that helps but do come back soon to falling in love with yourself again.
Peace love and light to all <3

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