Saturday, October 15, 2016

Step Into their Shoes.....

Under the Sun gleaming
To me , belonged, the sea and the shore
Or so, in a mind hallucinating
I believed !

Watched the sapped Sun rush out
Moon in all its serendipity, beamed.
The rays fell on the lot
around me, whom I had noticed not !

Oh! I am not alone here
Standing in the midst of footprints, I conceived!
Observing the impressions, I fathom
It could be a Pakistani's , Arab's or a Philipino's !

Just another visitor I am , It dawned!
The earth and the sun and the moon
are as much theirs ,
as they are mine.

Scanning around I sense
children running about
Their breezy shadows tell me not
If they are African or American !

The winds carry their laughter
Loud ones rising in the air
Oh! Why does it sound just like
my childhood ?

The only border I could then see
was the one of the print,
my feet was comfortably resting in.
It wasn't difficult after all
To Step into their shoes.