Wednesday, February 7, 2018


For all those little/young girls/women who are oppressed in a relationship and have lost their voice. I deeply feel there will always be at least one person out there who will be willing to listen and extend a helping hand . Your task is to seek before you give up ! 
Peace and Love ! 

          [PC- Pinterest - Charcoal Drawing by Kate  Zambrao]

It once held her life,
the disintegrating pieces of her life.
The paint on the walls soaked in tears long enough,
fell apart.
The air she struggled to breathe,
The shut window knew not.
The table in the corner which mirrored her loneliness, 
bathed in dust.
The crumbled sheets, 
she wrapped herself in
smelled of insecurity and fear.
Like her wings carrying untold tales
of abuse and insult, 
the broken shelves dangled.
Just as the words choked in her throat,
the damp air remained still
and the creaking fan refused to spin.

This room once held your life
the one in shambles.
Once you were full of life, 
 of limbs and bones,
of Flesh and Blood
Of hues of sunsets
of echoes of laughter.
Oh! i wish your silent whimpers
found their way to me
before you found your way out.

I pushed open the stubborn window.
The flying flake of snow, 
now, light and lifted.
The floating cold air 
carried her scent.
Nothing to hold the limitless flight
Onward on her boundless journey
past this  room,
Empty of love.
This Empty room....