Saturday, November 7, 2015


Me: You look so calm
Ocean: Do I ?
Me: Yes, u do !!
Ocean: Thank you . You have no idea what’s going on inside.
Me : I have heard. That’s exactly why I wonder!!
Ocean : I have two options. 
Option one: Bring out my internal turmoil and disturb the peace you experience while watching me
Option Two :Keep them inside me while you watch me. Throw my tantrums in the night at my trusted MOON who listens , forces me to uproot and reconnect. I hence do not disappoint the people coming to me seeking peace and calmness.
I choose option two !!!!
My dear friend, Who doesn’t have internal conflicts , mental arguments, mysterious and dangerous demons whom we defeat sometimes ..whom we give in to at other times? Its all about dealing with them gracefully….its about keeping your chin up acknowledging the fact that your body has housed different types of energies trapped inside and  that they may not all act in balance at all times. Forgive yourself , don’t be hard on yourself, love yourself ..only then you can emit this energy of love and peace to the world outside. I love my sharks as much as I love my starfish. They both are in me.  I still have icebergs which you have not even seen the tip of !! Stay calm and love yourself for all that you are  !