Monday, March 2, 2015

Hey, Do I Know ME ??

In a lifetime, there are many roles one is destined to play.
How many of them do we embrace and how many we dismiss off? We embrace the socially accepted roles and dismiss off the less or rather not approved ones, yeah?
The world around us is constantly evolving , how can we remain consistent in this evolving environment.
What is the cost of being indecisive and uncertain about yourself? Human beings are currently only aware of time travelling in one direction . So,the cost of being indecisive at this point would be simply time slipping away !!
Have your tried answering the question 'What do you want in life and how far are you willing to travel to achieve it .'
That's a tough one to crack! How many times have you dived into the depth of your being and asked yourself this so far in this lifetime?
If I pull myself out of the rat race that the world is in, what I witness is people milling about, running towards their goal set by everyone but themselves, copying/ performing acts not knowing where they came from and why they came about, pleasing a set of people that are in no way connected to them and eventually shaping into someone that is not even a poor copy of their true self! Sad, yeah??
Being busy was never same as being productive or being happy. My life goal has always been to stay happy because of which I have had to take a detour from the road most travelled. But my path was /is never easy because along with the influential external factors, there is also a journey that I have to take inward since I am looking for answers that can make me truly happy ! This inward journey is one which explores your soul, a ride which brings your five senses in harmony with the rhythm of your being , the music of your soul, the one that's been playing across lifetimes.
Some are fortunate enough to have a great support system where as some fight all odds to understand their source.

Society's paradigms have never been very encouraging. They mostly kill creativity, banish dreams, suppress expressions which could have probably been yourticket to heaven on earth. How entangled we all are in the conventional web of the society. But the undeniable fact is that we are also social beings.
A walk in the opposite direction could end up in unhappiness if not well prepared. So what is it then? It is about striking that fine balance.

Try asking yourself everyday
What do I want in life
Am I going to sit on my reclined chair wondering or lift my a** and do something achieving it
Who/What are my bottlenecks
How can I overcome them
Also the BIIIG ONE: Am I ready to face the consequences of being ME??
My take on it would be:
Do it as long as you don't become mean in your journey .Now, for arguments sake you can ask me who decides wats mean and wats not!! C'mon! We all know what it is to be mean and what it is to empathise. So, hurt and harm another as much less as possible . Sometimes we just have to be mean to keep danger at bay!
Do it if it completes YOU.
Do it if it can be contained within your belief system.
Do it if it will bring a smile on the face of the people who matter or not !

I do not believe in getting another chance to do it right. If you do, you are the lucky one!!

'If i die tomorrow, will i have gotten everything in the world i ever wanted? No, But i will have gotten everything that made me the happiest ' Sandra Bullock