Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Destination Now!!

As mentioned in my prelude, about Today being the gift i waited for Yesterday, in this poem 'Destination Now' , I narrowed it down to NOW !!
We need to actually make a conscious effort to remind ourselves that this is the very moment we need to dip ourselves in ! Be in its complete awareness . I have very often noticed that even when we are enjoying a much awaited event , we worry or get anxious about it getting over soon and returning to our mundane chores . These thoughts not only dampen the fire we ought to feel for the moment, but also extinguish the hope for a beautiful tomorrow. 
In this poem i have tried to express how one must consider every moment as one's teacher. Be it good or bad, every life moment can add a little to your very essence.  

Destination Now

I journey through
the sun kissed valleys
the dark deep woods
the vibrant dazzling flora
the enchanting silence of the snow capped mountains
Overwhelming nothingness of spirituality

As i cleanse through emotions each
A layer of pseudo aura i shed
a seeker i am
an eternal one that too
The more i journey ,the more i seek
Unfolding in me is the unmasked

Arrived, i have, where i had to
Perceived, i have , what i ought to
I arrive , perceive and
I will for aeons to come

The humble seeker in me bows down
To the enlightening master
In this moment is my being
My eyes i close, my lungs i fill, my journey i resume