Monday, September 15, 2014

A Journey of Love and Peace..

                                         Lasheen - Never forgotten!!

To this beautiful human being/friend who came , touched many and left as a gentle breeze . To this wonder who re - affirmed my belief in connections beyond what meets the eye!

Art thou on the journey
thou embarked upon
One that spreads its wings
and flies over the horizon

Art thou on the journey
thou embarked upon
One that whistles its way
through the dark alley

Art thou on the journey
thou embarked upon
One that drives thou
to the inane thrills

Art thou on the journey
thou embarked upon
One that ripples through
layers of imagination

My friend, art thou still

on this journey
On a plane unbeknownst to us

Though the planet a little less bright
Though minds a little less agile
Though eyes a little less playful
Though the Cup Of Life a little less full

A deep layer from 
the abyss whispers
Thou art on an eternal journey
A journey of Love and Peace !