Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Silence on Wings

[Image Courtesy: anime-pictures.net]

Hey! My fellow warriors
My arms around you
For the wars you wage
Until you melt away
In the cosmic bliss!
Arent we all battling
From an age so young
Some are noticed
Some grow suppressed
Some we win and
Some we let them win !

Challenges dash to us
Calculating a fall and
A recoil into stillness
They know not
We hide Nerves of steel
Behind our honest smiles

Oh! Paralyzed it is
To be the blindfolded battler
Twirling the sword in the arena
Every chance we miss,
Is its opportunity to flee
spreading a vicious grin

Pain, the constant companion
Filled our days with doubt and misery
To our mirrors , we babbled and
Our pillows dried our tears

Through the woes and gloom
A strength that blooms
Is the strength to combat
Strength to stay true
Strength to make peace

One word of caution
To the forces trying hard
Its in you
To silences us, but
Slashed our wings are not

Silence on wings
Flutter until they deafen you
Silence on wings
Shall soar beyond your reach
This is a war
We wage to win!!

Dedicated to those battling chronic illness , in the body or mind or both !!