Monday, February 4, 2019

Not So Painful....

                                                                     ( PC : Pinterest)
How often have you been consumed by agony and distress so intense that it nauseates the life out of you. How often does your chest tighten with heaviness over emotions swallowed.
How many times have you tried to hold pieces of yourself together and whispered...'you are okay' , only to burst into choking sobs.Have you ever been lost in the agony of how you can survive another day when your legs weaken and refuse to function from the internal turmoil.

I have !! All of this and more...

This is not because my life a big bundle of misery and conditions which come under the normal or societal standards of sad or bad.Its simply that just like i feel my joy from the bottom of my heart , i sense my pain( however small the incident that have caused it , may be) from the core of my being churning the centre of my existence.

I do hit the rock bottom . I am not saying it with a lot of pride or as something to be looked upto or followed though i am aware that these are not things someone does on purpose or decides to emulate.
Its a fact that once you are in this loop of losing yourself completely over emotional imbalances, it seems like a point of no return!

But guess what , there is a ray of hope, it really is not the dead end, there is a way out.
Yes , i know it sounds far fetched. Not just sounds, it actually is hard to achieve but not impossible! It takes just a little bit of effort and a heart full of love for, oneself .
I want to share a few tips which have helped me sail through the rough crashing waves . Not that these made me jump in ecstasy soon the moment i followed them; But its certainly one rung up !

1. This too shall pass is cliched but when you say it believing in it, it helps. Looking back at all the difficult times you have overcome, gives you the hope needed in the right direction. It helps you realise this is not forever and there shall be sunshine again.

2. Acknowledge your pain. Embrace it and console it. Be in the moment. Dont avoid and pretend all is well. It only disappears to roar into strength later! So feel it, cry if need be, share your pain with your tribe and get it out. But do pay due attention to what you are feeling.

3. Try not to go back and relive the pain. As much as you want to do it, the result is the opening of a healing wound leading to more pain and further delayed healing. So when you feel like going back to it, talk to a friend or a trusted person about it and get it out again. Don't play it again in your heart and mind. We want no wars inside!

4. Forgive the person who caused you pain. Aargh...i cant believe i am saying this because this is so hard for me but again, i have done it. My favourite quote on this is from Lord Buddha which says, holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Its so true. When we have mental arguments with that person and refuse to give up on the rage, we are being eaten up from the inside. The heat rising in us is burning us, not to forget, never the other person ! So i cannot stress enough on how important it is for us to forgive and let go. If you want to scream in it but let the anguish not stay inside you . Try not to entangle your journey with the other person's. You are exactly where you are meant to be, so be on your own journey and let the other experience his/ her own path disentangled from yours.

5. Do not give anyone the power to ruin you.
I know when we love someone, their actions , words and our expectations on how they should be, can hurt us. Yes thats ok, but let it not hurt you so much that you believe it to be the ultimate truth and dig your own grave. You have the power and you are the power. So do not pass that on to someone else and perish under their ability to crush you. The fact is they do not have the ability unless you grant them so !

6. Understand the other persons journey. We all have different journeys. If you are in constant pain from someone you have to live with, talk it out, see if there are ways of adjusting and compromising without you having to suffer. If you cannot, learn to distance your emotions however tough it may be, if thats also not working, distance yourself physically also. No one should have to live their life in pain. I am not saying this as a rule , its important to take care of ourselves to be kind to the world around .

7. Fall in love with yourself. If you have an idea of the extent to which internalising can manifest into physical illness and cause double the pain, you wouldn't ever do that to yourself . You know i had reached a point when i raise my voice in anger or stress, my body tightens and breath becomes shallow ! Its my body begging me to stop. I am stopped forcefully lest i may collapse! So can you imagine how much abuse i was doing to my body in the form of emotional distress that it started reacting fiercly . So, love yourself, your mind, your heart, your organs and your body. How its always there for you doing its best! Always remember there is only one love that you can always depend on..the one of your own ! So love yourself limitless !!!

8. That moment when you feel your chest will explode in pain, close your eyes and take deep inhalations. Fill air and light in all those areas of pain and sorrow. It really helps! You may burst out crying and it is okay as long as it finds a release ! Or you may just gradually calm down. Either way, its better than torturing your poor heart 😊

9. When in pain try not to overthink. Avoid coming to conclusions based on assumptions. Distract yourself into doing something you love to do. It may be a coffee, a book, some music or just stepping out to catch up with a friend. Do not let yourself brood, move on to a calming and happy activity.

10. When none of these work, sit quietly and ask yourself why there is so much pain and what it is trying to teach you. Those who believe in soul journeys believe that our soul chooses the life experiences for learning and evolving. So just try to understand that this experience of deep anguish was chosen by your soul for some purpose. If you are not able to understand why, thats ok. But just realizing this itself will bring in a sense of calm and an attempt to go further inside ourselves. Victimizing blaming cursing will not help in any manner. Look within, thats the only guiding light.

These are a few methods i try to follow when life throws challenges, or i should say, when my soul plans to surprise me in a not so nice manner😊😊Its our duty to respect and love this body and mind in which resides our infinity. Fill it with love, for there is no bigger truth⚘⚘

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