Monday, May 7, 2018

Porcelain Mask

                                  { PC : Pinterest }
/Oh! Why so dark ?
Eyes of mine , not big enough .
This bloated face, No way !
Thin lips are never sensuous .
Emergency !! Apps rush to my rescue
Blurring here and sharpening there
A colormode change on an airbrushed face
Cropped to Perfection!
As the veil of reality is lifted
Porcelain perfect mask in all its glory
ready for netizens.
Basking in the glory of
generous comments pouring
on Facebook and Instagram and twitter,
a few lines from a friend
tugs my heart chord and
Thud! i land on my feet

"Ethereal indeed , a face that
anyone would want to hold
But i search for
those eyes that sparkled
when she chuckled
the round face that spelt
the tanned skin that  spoke
of her journey , in this world so real.
Ethereal indeed , a face that
anyone would want to hold.'
'But, i see you not, my friend.'