Thursday, June 15, 2017

Mashobra - The valleys Echo !

The 6 hour long drive on the winding roads from Chandigarh after the 3 hours of flying wasn't one I expected (read: wanted)  ! The initial sights of Chandigarh filled me with effervescence; the fields of wheat and the glimpses of the north Indian way of life was a thing of interest and curiosity to me as i am more familiar with the South Indian ways.
The ascend to Shimla began covered in dust and heat. The vision was blurred by the flying light brown air. I was hungry and the thought of some Dhaba food filled my mouth and soul , distracted  me from the visual discomforts. I kept pestering my husband every five minutes reminding him of my hunger which he religiously passed on to the driver . We stopped by a decent looking Dhaba a while later. Though not very hygienic, the delicious onion naan and butter chicken was devoured with the visuals of much liked NDTV Good Times 'Food Mad' Dhaba episodes playing in my head . Must be the heat, my tummy and mouth agreed to disagree on the food !!! The warm air on the face and the warm feeling inside the tummy was not at all heart – warming.
We continued our slow roller coaster ride upwards . Discomfort in the stomach and head made me very restless. I kept adjusting my position hoping the new one would be better only to go back to the old position in less than 5 mins. How much can you adjust in a 4 seater car carrying 4 people and 3 bags ! 
Oh !! But when the heaven showers blessings , it's always received with joy. The heavy downpour was a relief initially but the narrow roads edging into deep valleys, the big vehicles coming from the opposite direction and the low visibility gave an added discomfort of fear .
I kept talking to myself reassuring that I am ok and I will get there feeling as good as I left home. We had already completed almost 5 hours and the sign board that said 10 kms to Mashobra helped me relax a little not knowing that the 10 kms in Shimla is as long as 150kms in the UAE !!!!
All said and done...Mashobra received us in all its splendour . The mist around the cottage was one I had envisioned everyday before drifting off to sleep. It’s a routine actually. In the hot country that I live in , I create my own visuals of bliss during my bed time into which i snuggle peacefully. 
My husband's college friends were all eagerly waiting for us at the cottage to begin the party. They meet every year to relive the college times .  They share stories , discuss people , laugh over the imprudent acts, ponder over how much life has changed for each one, observe the spouses and kids with affection and curiosity. Friends who walked around care free once are now responsible fathers and mothers.
The bonfire , the dance , the steaming hot food was all worth absorbing. 
The beautiful roses bloomed in its full glory around Shimla which reminded me of the song 'Tum aa gaye ho,  noor aa gaya hain....' featuring the natural actor Sanjeev Kumar and the very gorgeous Suchitra Sen in the movie Aandhi. Such beauty that go beyond words.  
The tall trees around Mashobra took me to the woods I had experienced in San Francisco and it got me thinking how nature has been unbiased in giving the east and west it's best ! It's the level of maintenance and respect from us human beings that decide it's course. 
The shops selling the pashminas and rich embroidered kameezes adorned the steep , narrow, two way shopping street called The Mall road where vehicles are not allowed.   The mostly calm and undisturbed drivers with almost unbelievable control on the wheel brought in a sense of peace in an otherwise chaotic ambience. 
Our stay was at this absolutely beautiful resort with a breathtaking view of the valley where I experienced one of the best hospitality ever . They took care of us to the extent of bringing us packed rolls and sandwiches for lunch from the resort to our places of visit. This really was not a service that could be dismissed off saying 'we paid for it '. The delicious chappathi/chicken rolls , paneer rolls , vegetable / chicken sandwiches , various juices / soft drinks and not to miss the plum cake and berries for dessert , all packed well in the picnic basket was relished on , relaxing against a tall tree watching the beautiful  landscape of Shimla. 
The cold nights with mild drizzle were like the ones off the pages of a Ruskin Bond story. The all encompassing silence was a stark contrast to my Dubai that comes to life at dark. 
As i gazed into the depth of the valley , I thought of all the stories ; rational and irrational , of love and hatred, of ecstasy and agony, of  togetherness and solitude  that it would have witnessed and buried in its abyss. 
 Three nights and four days  of the college alumni meet gave the valleys a lot of laughter which echoed as we drove off …