Monday, October 24, 2016

the Five people You Meet in Heaven

Philosophies centred around life and after have always intrigued me. That kind of wisdom that makes me contemplate, reflect and guide me on a journey that's entirely mine.

Mitch Albom has been one of my favorite authors since the time I read 'The Timekeeper'.  He has an amazing ability to weave prominent threads of philosophy into the fine fabric of fiction. He conveys important aspects of life's journey through beautiful stories in a believable manner.

The five people you meet in Heaven is a book on Eddie's ordinary life and the answers he receive on the same after he slips away. Heaven and the five people Eddie meet in Heaven give him a sense of what his life on Earth was about and why he was wherever he was doing whatever he did! Each one he meets in the afterlife has a significant lesson to impart which helps him understand every emotion that passed through him while on earth and release whatever negativity he was holding on to.

A beautiful simple book which made me think deeply about my connections in life ; the people who came, those who left,  ones who stayed , those who loved , the ones who hurt ! The experiences and emotions associated with each. I tried to make sense of the interactions, of the lessons learned, of this journey I have embarked on.

A must read for those who value and reflect on their own journey.

Excerpts from the book.

Lost love is still love ,Eddie. It takes a different form, that's all. You cant see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor . But when those senses weaken, another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it . You hold it . You dance with it.

"Life has to end", she said , "Love doesn't. "

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Step Into their Shoes.....

Under the Sun gleaming
To me , belonged, the sea and the shore
Or so, in a mind hallucinating
I believed !

Watched the sapped Sun rush out
Moon in all its serendipity, beamed.
The rays fell on the lot
around me, whom I had noticed not !

Oh! I am not alone here
Standing in the midst of footprints, I conceived!
Observing the impressions, I fathom
It could be a Pakistani's , Arab's or a Philipino's !

Just another visitor I am , It dawned!
The earth and the sun and the moon
are as much theirs ,
as they are mine.

Scanning around I sense
children running about
Their breezy shadows tell me not
If they are African or American !

The winds carry their laughter
Loud ones rising in the air
Oh! Why does it sound just like
my childhood ?

The only border I could then see
was the one of the print,
my feet was comfortably resting in.
It wasn't difficult after all
To Step into their shoes.